PaulaOkeefe Blog Site

Life is a journey and for me it is like climbing a mountain. As you get closer to the top, you are closer to heaven. Whether you are on a mountain with much glory or on the mountain of suffering, you journey.....and for believers like me the journey is to a place we call heaven.
We have many other small journeys that all belong in our life for some reason and even if it seems like some stuff doesn't belong, perhaps we can learn something from it. When others treat us poorly, we can turn the other cheek and learn how to treat others in a kinder way than we might have experienced. Anyway, before I ramble on too much, I will say see you blogging.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

He is simple and truthfully, He gives me such hope and he has a sense of humor!

Should you receive communion if you vote for proabort politicians????

I love Cardinal Arinze, he is honest, you can trust him and he is simple. Nothing complicated, just simple truths of our Beloved Faith

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

St. John Of the Cross (1542-1591)


How well I know that flowing spring
     in black of night.

The eternal fountain is unseen.
How well I know where she has been
     in black of night.

I do not know her origin.
None. Yet in her all things begin
     in black of night.

I know that nothing is so fair
and earth and firmament drink there
     in black of night.

I know that none can wade inside
to find her bright bottomless tide
     in black of night.

Her shining never has a blur;
I know that all light comes from her
     in black of night.

I know her streams converge and swell
and nourish people, skies and hell
     in black of night.

The stream whose birth is in this source
I know has a gigantic force
     in black of night.

The stream from but these two proceeds
yet neither one, I know, precedes
     in black of night.

The eternal fountain is unseen
in living bread that gives us being
     in black of night.

She calls on all mankind to start
to drink her water, though in dark,
     for black is night.

O living fountain that I crave,
in bread of life I see her flame
     in black of night.

Cincy Fountain

Sunday, July 29, 2012

The Mass

St. Anselm,

Doctor of the Church "A single Mass offered for oneself during life may be worth more than a thousand celebrated for the same intention after death."

St. Teresa, Doctor of the Church Once, St. Teresa was overwhelmed with God's Goodness and asked Our Lord "How can I thank you?" Our Lord replied, "ATTEND ONE MASS." 


St. Leonard of Port Maurice "The principal excellence of the most Holy Sacrifice of the Mass consists in being essentially, and in the very highest degree, identical with that which was offered on the Cross of Calvary: with this sole difference that the sacrifice on the Cross was bloody, and made once for all, and did on that one occasion satisfy fully for all the sins of the world; while the sacrifice of the altar is an unbloody sacrifice, which can be repeated an infinite number of times, and was instituted in order to apply in detail that universal ransom which Jesus paid for us on Calvary."

Catholic Mass

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